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Banalization is the price of communication. Nicolás Gómez Dávila Communication literally means "putting together". What is shared in communication is not material goods but "messages" that express intentions, sensations, thoughts, feelings, information.. scroll down The impossible is often not attempted. Jim Goodwin Ambition is seen as a force to overcome our limits and explore the many possibilities the world offers us. SCROLL DOWN The artist's supreme touch, know when to stop. Arthur Conan Doyle What Is Art? Books, treats, encyclopaedias were written on the subject. But sometimes thoughts can be expressed in one page, one sentence, in one word. VISIT MY PORTFOLIO
How to Watermark Photos in Photoshop

  With the rise of digital photography more people are sharing their images on blogging…

Perché i file sorgente non vengono mai ceduti?

Perché i file sorgente non vengono mai ceduti? Capita a tutti i designer, prima o poi,…

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